24 Chords used in the song: Gm7, C7sus2, Fmaj7, Bbmaj7sus2, Edim7, A7, Dm, D7, Bb, Bdim7, F, F+, G7, Bbm, Bbm9, Ab7add11, Gbmaj7, Dbmaj7, Db7, Db7sus2, Gb6sus2, Fm7b11, Bb7sus2, Bb7b9
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Transpose chords:
Gm7 C7sus2 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7sus2 Edim7 A7 Dm D7
Gm7 C7sus2
Someone wrote this song before
Fmaj7 Bbmaj7sus2
And I could tell you where it's from
Edim7 A7 Dm D7
The 4 7 3 6 2 5 1 to put my mind at ease
Please just have a laugh with me
Bdim7 F
'Cause you know I'm borrowing by now
F+ Bb G7
These sounds, have already crowned
Come on it's a silly dream
Bdim7 F
Dreaming of the imagery unfound
F+ Bb Bbm
The view sits nice from that cloud
Bbm9 Ab7add11 Gbmaj7 A7
And if you want a piece of my thoughts
Dbmaj7 Db7
There's a coin worth flipping
Db7sus2 Gb6sus2 Fm7b11 Bb7sus2 Bb7b9
Why don't you toss?
[Guitar solo]
Gm7 C7sus2 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7sus2 Edim7 A7 Dm D7 x2
Please just have a laugh with me
Bdim7 F
'Cause you know I'm borrowing by now
F+ Bb G7
These sounds, have already crowned
Come on it's a silly dream
Bdim7 F
Dreaming of the imagery unfound
F+ Bb Bbm
The view sits nice from that cloud
Bbm9 Ab7add11 Gbmaj7 A7
And if you want a piece of my thoughts
Dbmaj7 Db7
There's a coin worth flipping
Db7sus2 Gb6sus2 Fm7b11 Bb7sus2 Bb7b9
Why don't you toss?
Gm7 C7sus2 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7sus2 Edim7 A7
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