10 Chords used in the song: Bbsus4/F, Bb, Eb/G, Gm, Eb, Cm, F/A, Bb/F, Cm7, F
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View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
This is a bit easier to play if you:
- transpose the chords down 1/2-step (first chord Asus4/E, 002230)
- put a capo on the first fret
Bbsus4/F | Bb |
Bbsus4/F | Bb |
Eb/G | Gm |
Eb | Bbsus4/F |
Bbsus4/F Bb
It's hard to breathe
Bbsus4/F Bb
My knees are weak
Eb/G Gm
It's a cold path
Eb Bbsus4/F
And I can't feel my feet
Bbsus4/F Bb
Por - celain
Bbsus4/F Bb
It's the state that I'm in
Eb/G Gm
Hold me carefully
Eb Bbsus4/F
Just one breath could shat - ter me
Bb Cm
'Cause you've an eye for one of a kind
Gm F/A
Bb Cm
How was I supposed to find
Gm F/A
Out that I'd crum - ble
Bb Cm Gm Gm F/A
Porce - lain
Bb Cm Gm Gm F/A
Porce - lain
Bbsus4/F Bb/F
It's a small cry
Bbsus4/F Bb
That is scream - ing inside
Eb/G Gm
It's a pa - per cut
Eb Bbsus4/F
That is bleed - ing me dry
Bbsus4/F Bb
Por - celain
Bbsus4/F Bb
It's the state that I'm in
Eb/G Gm
Hold me carefully
Eb Bbsus4/F
Just one breath could shat - ter me
Bb Cm
'Cause you've an eye for one of a kind
Gm F/A
Bb Cm
How was I supposed to find
Gm F/A
Out that I'd crum - ble
Bb Cm Gm Gm F/A
Porce - lain
Bb Cm Gm Gm F/A
Porce - lain
Bb Cm
You've an eye for one of a kind
Gm F/A
Bb Cm
How was I supposed to find
out that I'd crumble
Bb Cm7 Gm Gm F
Porce - lain
Bb Cm7 Gm Gm F
Porce - lain
Bb Cm7 Gm Gm F
Porce - lain
Bb Cm7 Gm Gm F
Porce - lain
Bbsus4/F | Bb |
Bbsus4/F Bb
Por - celain
Bbsus4/F Bb
It's the state that I'm in
Eb/G Gm
Hold me carefully
Eb Bbsus4/F
Just one breath could shat - ter me
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About this song: Porcelain
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