9 Chords used in the song: G, C, Em, Bb, D#, F, A, F#m, D
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Transpose chords:
Intro: Fingerpicked G,C,G,C
Write my name on the guest list
Take up space by the door and ache
Question why you’re dismissed
C G Em
Stay concerned with your own sake
If yesterday
Had a takeaway
Bb C
I know
I won’t go
Em C G
Overwhelming sadness
Em C G
When the love runs out
Em C G
Dis-appointing gladness
Em C G
When the love runs out
Em, C
Scatter all your markers
Put an X on both my hands
As the room gets darker
Start revising our old plans
If yesterday
Had a takeaway
Bb C
I know
I won’t go
Em C G
Overwhelming sadness
Em C G
When the love runs out
Em C G
Dis-appointing gladness
Em C G
When the love runs out
Em C G
Slip-ping into madness
Em C G
When the love runs out
Em, C
D# F G
I’ve swallowed mud and bled blue blood
D# F C
There’s no escape from red tape
D# F G
I taste the salt from pushing fault
Em C G
Overwhelming sadness
Em C G
When the love runs out
Em C G
Dis-appointing gladness
Em, C, A
F#m D A
Overwhelming sadness
F#m D A
When the love runs out
F#m D A
Dis-appointing gladness
F#m D A
When the love runs out
F#m D A
Slip-ping into madness
F#m D A
When the love runs out x3
When the love runs out
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About this song: When The Love Runs Out
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