4 Chords used in the song: F#, B, E, A
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# Tune g andC strings down 1/2 step
# Tuning should be f#B
# Repeat a bunch of times
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About this song: Blood And Thunder
This is the beginning of Mastodon's concept album revolving around Captain Ahab's obsession with catching the Great White Whale in the book Moby Dick. The song features a guest vocal appearance by Neil Fallon of Clutch.The song "Blood and Thunder" was featured in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Saints Row, Konami's Guitar Freaks and Drummania, Microsoft's Project Gotham Racing 3, and at the end of Standoff episode "Severance". It is a playable track in Guitar Hero Metallica and it's a downloadable track on the game Rock Band. Read more on Last.fm.