6 Chords used in the song: Em, C, G, D, E, Am
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Transpose chords:
Em C G
Six feet under, under my skin
Em C G
There's a battle I know I can't win
D Em
You invade me and I surrender
that's what I hate about you
Em C G
Em C G
Six feet under, under my skin
Em C G
That is where your story begins
You were wanting, I was forsaken
Hey, ey,ey HEY
Am Em
You came to me with words unspoken
D Em Am Em
I can't deny it, that I knew my glass would end up broken
(and that's how you got me)
Am Em
I blame myself for being stupid
D Em Am Em
But I can't help it, yet I'm eating right out of your hand
And that's what I hate about you
Em C G
Em C G
Six feet under, touching my soul
Em C G
From the moment we met, you I stole
D Em
You embraced me, and I believed you
Hey, ey,ey HEY
Am Em
You came to me with words unspoken
D Em Am Em
I can't deny it, that I knew my glass would end up broken
(and that's how you got me)
Am Em
I blame myself for being stupid
D Em Am Em
But I can't help it, yet I'm eating right out of your hand
And that's what I hate about you
Em C G x2 (Hey, hey.)
Em C
It's not that hard, just walk away
There's gotta be a different meaning
Am Em
You came to me with words unspoken
D Em Am Em
I can't deny it, that I knew my glass would end up broken
(and that's how you got me)
Am Em
I blame myself for being stupid
D Em Am Em
But I can't help it, yet I'm eating right out of your hand
And that's what I hate about you
Am Em
Now's the time for my confession
D Em Am Em D
Cause I can't take it, that you always be and always will be Under my skin
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