5 Chords used in the song: A#, D#, F, Bb, Eb

View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Bb ou
Too much too much promiscuity
Can drive to insanity
Say too much too much insanity
Can drive criminality?
Say Oohooh set me free
Oohooh let me be?.
Too much too much promiscuity
Can drive to calamity?
Too much too much hypocrisy
can drive to academy
Too much too much morality
can drive to criminality?
Oohooh set me free
Oohooh let me be?.
Too much too much hypocrisy
can drive to criminality
Oohooh set me free
Oohooh let me be X3
Too much too much Wiliwili
can drive to big family
Too much too much morality
can drive to the flies and bee?
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About this song: Promiscuity
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