13 Chords used in the song: Em, Am, Am9, G, C, G#m, D, A7, Dm7, E7, Am7, D7, Bm7
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
Em Am
I never thought I'd miss you
Em Am Am9 G C G - G#m
half as much as I do
Am Am9
And I never thought I'd feel this way,
Am Am9 G C G C - D
the way I feel about you
Em A7
As soon as I wake up
every night
every day
Am C
I know that it's you I need
Am7 D7
to take the blues away
G Bm7 C C
It must be love, love, love
G Bm7 C C - D
It must be love, love, love
Am Am
nothing more, nothing less,
C - D
love is the best
Am Am9
How can it be that we can
Am Am9 G C G - G#m
say so much without words
Am Am9
Bless you and bless me
Am Am9 G C G C
Bless the bees and the birds
Em A7
I've got to be near you
every night
every day
Am C
I couldn't be happy
Am7 D7
Any other way
To fade
G Bm7 C C - D
It must be love, love, love
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About this song: It Must Be Love
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