5 Chords used in the song: B5, A#5, G#5, F#5, C#5
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Transpose chords:
[Verse 1]
B5 A#5
Rachel was a year older
G#5 F#5
When I was in the second grade
B5 F#5
I thought she might know everything
I took her word like a golden ring
B5 F#5
I asked her how to win my man
C#5 F#5
And she said, "I know just the thing"
B5 F#5
Gave me lip gloss and a hair toss
G#5 F#5
And, after school, a lesson in kissing
[Verse 2]
B5 A#5
She called me by the name of a crush
G#5 F#5
I couldn't decide if she was Cole or Justin
B5 F#5 G#5
I think I called her baby or darling most the time
[Verse 3]
B5 F#5
We'd take turns being seduced
G#5 F#5
Imagining the day it would come into use
B5 F#5
Imagining thе day we'd start breaking hearts
And taking namеs
B5 F#5
She wanted a three-story house
A#5 F#5
I wanted to live by a body of water
B5 F#5
With my children and their father
B5 F#5
Children and their father
Three sons and a beautiful daughter (Oh)
B5 A#5 G#5 F#5 B5 F#5 G#5
B5 F#5 C#5 F#5 B5 F#5 G#5
B5 F#5
Rachel's family moved out of town
G#5 F#5
I don't remember when we stopped hanging out
B5 F#5
But I still wear a letter R charm on my bracelet
G#5 F#5
And wonder if she thinks of me as her first kiss
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About this song: Kissing Lessons
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