5 Chords used in the song: G, C, Am, F, C7
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Transpose chords:
G C Am F
He's on my schedule, he's always there on time
G C Am F
He's never difficult, and he'll always be mine
G C Am F
One day, someone said to me if you're ever in a bind
G C Am F
Won't you make time for me and maybe change your mind?
All I said was
That all really depends
C C7 Am
I'm not even out there looking for friends
I think you should know
C C7 Am
Boy, that I got it bad for most
I can boast I've been sleeping with a ghost
Same thing for rest of song
He listens to me
Holds me when I'm down
He'll never be unkind and he'll never skip town
One day, someone said would you ever love another man?
If he walks out on you, I'll love you yes I can
All I said was
That all really depends
I'm not even out there looking for friends
I think you should know
Boy, that I got it bad for most
I can boast I've been sleeping with a ghost
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About this song: Sleeping With A Ghost
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