4 Chords used in the song: F, G, A, Dm
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Transpose chords:
Intro: F G A Dm (x2)
Verse: (Vamp on) Dm (as long as chorus/intro)
Chorus: F G A Dm (x2)
Verse: (Vamp on) Dm
Chorus: F G A Dm (x2)
Verse: (Vamp on) Dm
Chorus: F G A Dm (x2)
Verse: (Vamp on) Dm
Chorus: F G A Dm (x2)
Verse: (Vamp on) Dm
Chorus: F G A Dm (x2)
Verse: (Vamp on) Dm
Chorus: F G A Dm (x2)
Verse: (Vamp on) Dm
Chorus: F G (fade out...)
# (check out youtube for context, I got my lyrics cut out by this site...)
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About this song: Jah Jah Ah Natty Dread
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