Ukulele Tab without chords.

# Tablature Legend:
# h - hammer on
# p - pull off
# / - slide
# |--3--| - triplet
|-3-| |-3|
|--3--| |--3--|
|--3--| |-3|
|--3--| |-3|
|--3--| |--3--|
Tab comments (2)
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They are a symbol for triplets which are three notes played in quick succession. They have a duration equal to two of the notes they are composed of played normally. So, if a "|--3--|" is displayed over three sixteenth notes, play all three notes in the same amount of time it would take you to play two sixteenth notes without a "|--3--|" above them. Hopefully that helps!
08 Feb 2010

Top Tabs & Chords by Led Zeppelin, don't miss these songs!
About this song: Over The Hills And Far Away
"Over the Hills and Far Away" is the third track from Led Zeppelin's 1973 album Houses of the Holy. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant originally constructed the song in 1970 at Bron-Yr-Aur, a small cottage in Wales where they stayed after completing a gruelling North American concert tour. Page plays a six-string acoustic guitar introduction with a melody reminiscent of "White Summer". Page repeats the theme with 12-string acoustic guitar in unison.