15 Chords used in the song: G, Gmaj7, G6, Gsus2, D7, D7sus4, Am11, Am7, A7sus4, Am, C, A7, D6, Em, E7
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Transpose chords:
G Gmaj7 G6 G
V.1 The Lord is my shepherd
V.2 Thru the valley and shadow
V.3 In the midst of affliction
Gsus2 G6 D7
No want shall I know
Of death though I stray
my table is spread
D7sus D7 Am11 D7
I feed in green pastures
Since thou art my Guardian
With blessings unmeasured
D7 Am7 G
Safe folded I rest
No evil I fear
My cup runneth o'er
G Gmaj7 G6 G
He leadeth my soul where
Thy rod shall defend me
With perfume and oil thou
G Gmaj7 Ddmin A7sus Am
The still waters flow
Thy staff be my stay
Annointest my head
C A7 G6 G
Restores me when wand'ring
No harm can befall with
Oh what shall I ask of
D7 D6 Admin7 Em
Redeems when oppressed
My comforter near
Thy providence more?
C E7 Am G6 G
Restores me when wand'ring
No harm can befall with
Oh what shall I ask of
D7 D6 D7 G
Redeems when oppressed
My comforter near.
Thy providence more?
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About this song: The Lord Is My Shepherd
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