4 Chords used in the song: Bb, F, C, Dm
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Transpose chords:
Bb F
C Dm
We were an atom bomb
[Verse 1]
Bb F C Dm
Eight days, eight nights spent trying to sort through the aftermath
Bb F C Dm
It's quiet, too quiet, this silence sounds like a thunderclap
[Verse 2]
Bb F
And all I wanted was somebody to trust
C Dm
But all you wanted was somebody to want you
Bb F C Dm
And this toxic love we're chemicals waiting to react
Bb F
And then I went and set you off with goodbye
C Dm
And now we're just a mushroom cloud in the sky
Bb F
And there's no silver lining, only just surviving
C Dm
And through the smoke all I could see were your eyes
Bb F
And boy, I never burned so bad from the fire
C Dm
And they could see the ashes falling from miles
Bb F
And now there's just no ending, only all this wreckage
C Dm
We weren't just wrong, we were an atom bomb
[Verse 3]
Bb F
What's yours, what's mine
C Dm
Keep trying to pick up what’s left of me (Pick of what’s left of me)
Bb F C Dm
Breathe slow, let go but that smoke just keeps suffocating me (Keeps suffocating me)
[Verse 4]
Bb F
Maybe you were already on fire
C Dm
And maybe when you touched me so was I
Bb F C Dm
I should have known we would explode 'cause I saw the signs
Bb F
And then I went and set you off with goodbye
C Dm
And now we're just a mushroom cloud in the sky
Bb F
And there's no silver lining, only just surviving
C Dm
And through the smoke all I could see were your eyes
Bb F
And boy, I never burned so bad from the fire
C Dm
And they could see the ashes falling from miles
Bb F
And now there's just no ending, only all this wreckage
C Dm
We weren't just wrong, we were an atom bomb
Bb F C Dm C
Just watching all those embers fall like rain coming down
Bb F C Dm C
Strange not to talk, not write, not call you when you're not around
Bb F
Your love so dangerous
C Dm C
Your touch like a spark on my gasoline heart
Bb F
And then I went and set you off with goodbye
C Dm
And now we're just a mushroom cloud in the sky
Bb F
And there's no silver lining, only just surviving
C Dm
And through the smoke all I could see were your eyes
Bb F
And boy, I never burned so bad from the fire
C Dm
And they could see the ashes falling from miles
Bb F
And now there's just no ending, only all this wreckage
C Dm
We weren't just wrong, we were an atom bomb
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About this song: Atom Bomb
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