Ukulele Tab without chords.

# This is a medley of Legend Of Zelda songs that I wrote for ukulele, I am using other artists works, all I did is combined them to sound good in succession. I found a few of the tabs here on this website and some were on online videos. If you see one of your tabs here please don't say that I stole it, just email me about which part that you tabbed out yourself and I will list your name/username and email on this tab and which part that you did, my email is (just replace "THEATSYMBOL" with "@")...
-Thanks, Clay
# Now here's the tab:
# Legend Of Zelda Medley For Ukulele
# Original Songs By Koji Kondo
# Compiled By Clay Venezia (hack3rcmv)
# Thanks For Reading! =D
Tab comments (3)
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thanks! yeah I brought in the tabs from all around, but when I submitted the tab, a lot of stuff got cut off for some reason so it's only half the tab, but people seem to be happy with it so i'll just let it be ;)
22 Oct 2010

Definitely saw the Song of Storms tab on
But still this is awesome.
But still this is awesome.
10 Aug 2010

Top Tabs & Chords by Koji Kondo, don't miss these songs!
About this song: Legend Of Zelda Medley
No information about this song.