6 Chords used in the song: D, Db, Gb, Gbm, A, Ab
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Intro: 2x: D Db Gb
Verse 1:
D Db Gbm
Such a swine, lips like wine but it don't matter to me
D Db Gbm
Take a turn before I burn and it don't matter to me
D Db Gbm
Like a snake awake and vague, it don't matter to me
D Db Gbm
I can fuck or I can fight, it don't matter to me
A Ab Gbm
Cause it's always the same
A Ab D Db Gbm
And I'm always the same, whoa
Verse 2:
D Db Gbm
Uncle Sam, he looks god damned, but it don't matter to me
D Db Gbm
I don't know where I'm gonna go, it don't matter to me
D Db Gbm
You could bleed and stain my seed it don't matter to me
A Ab Gbm
Cause it's always the same
A Ab D Db Gbm
And I'm always the same, whoa
Verse 3:
D Db Gbm
I'm not a man everybody said but it don't matter to me
D Db Gbm
I get her feet on my seat but it don't matter to me
D Db Gbm
Break my heart tear me apart, it don't matter to me, no no
D Db Gbm
I put a shine in your eye it don't matter to me
A Ab Gbm
Cause it's always the same
A Ab D Db Gbm
And I'm always the same, whoa
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