3 Chords used in the song: G, C, D

View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
a is for appleC
b is for buttG
c is for cat buttD
d is for dodoG
e is for elephant dodoC
f is for fartG
g is for gorilla fartD
h is for huge gorilla fartG
i is for eyeballC
j is for jammiesG
k is for kid fartD
l is loud and long fartsG
m is for monkey buttC
n is for saying night nightG
to Neko at nap timeD
o is for ohG
p is for pandaC
peeing and poopingG
in her pottyD
while papa plays peek-a-booG
q is for QueburtC
r is for roboticG
monkeys that are goingD
to take over the worldG
s is for stinkyC
t is for turdG
u is uh-ohD
v is for flying vG
w is for we weC
y is for yuckyD
yummy and youG
and z isC
for fartsG
that smellD
like the zoo
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About this song: Alphabutt
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