8 Chords used in the song: Bb, Eb, F, Gm, D, Ab, F#, Em
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Transpose chords:
INTRO: Bb - Eb
Bb Eb
At the start of the news day, the fires begin
Bb Eb
In words and in pictures, but I'm not listening
Bb Eb
I'm not taking it in
Bb Eb
I'm going to go to the country, where nothing goes on
Bb Eb Bb Eb
Going to bury my head, where I can't hear the sound of bombs
Bb Eb
Playing along
Bb F Eb Bb
Me, I'm just playing along
Gm D Eb Ab Eb Bb
You and I, so many good people all
Eb Bb Eb
Just playing along
Bb Eb
I'm gonna go to a bar, where is the jukebox is on
Bb Eb Bb Eb
Going to shut out the noise, with a rock'n'roll song
Playing along
F# Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
F# Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
Gm F#
I'm going to turn up the volume
Ab Bb
Till I can't even think
Bb - Eb - Bb - Eb
Bb Eb
Tell us a tale of the proud and the free
Bb Eb Bb
Sing us a swingtime American melody
Eb Bb
From 'Follow The Fleet'
Bb F Eb Bb
Me, I'm just playing along
Gm D Eb Ab Eb Bb
You and I, a billion people all
Eb Bb Eb
Just playing along
F# Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
F# Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
Gm Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
Ab Bb
Till I can't even think
F# Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
F# Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
Em Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
Ab Bb
Till I can't even think
Gm Eb
I'm going to turn up the volume
Ab Bb
Till I can't even think
Repeat until end.
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About this song: Playing Along
From Monday 6th October 2008, Keane's third studio album