6 Chords used in the song: G, Am, Em, Bm, D, C
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Chords transposed Up 3 Half-steps. (Back to Original version)
Transpose chords:
A# Cm
You pretend that you're allright
The worst noise
Is when you are keeping quiet
F Cm
Seeing now the kind of girl
D# A# D# Gm
who will dramatise, traumatise
A# Cm
Don't fold your hands, don't hold your tounge
Gm Dm
The other girls will try to prove you wrong
F Cm
The words will torture like a storm
D# A# D# Gm
you can't step aside, you can't resign
F Cm D#
It's just the curse of being a girl
A# Cm Gm
tonight you must hold your head up high
F Cm D#
Be aware that you're the purest pearl
A# Cm D#
Tonight shoot the reflections back in their eyes
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About this song: Curse Of Being A Girl
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