Let's Roll Just Like We Used To Uke tab by Kasabian

6 Chords used in the song: F#m, Bm, A, G, E, D

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Year:  2011
Key: D, A, Bm, F#mChords
F#m F#m
Out of my garden, passed the battle cruiser,
Bm Bm
We jumped over cemetery gates,
F#m F#m
There on the wasteland, we saw the horizon,
Bm Bm
I noticed your pupils dilate.

# PRE-CHORUS: Bm Bm A A F#m F#m G G F#m F#m E E

G G Bm Bm F#m F#m G G
They're at it again, let's roll just like we used to,
G G Bm Bm F#m F#m G G
In fields when we were young our hearts got lost in the circles,
A A Bm Bm A A Bm Bm
We had it all, a rise and fall.

Came from the booze and the fags generation,
And prayed for the mayhem to start,
You said you were foolish but I saw the genius,
In pulling the stitches apart.


Bm Bm D D A A E E
So raise your glass to the ones who have passed,
G G F#m F#m
And the ones that got away, ohh.


Uke tab by , 27 Mar 2012

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