17 Chords used in the song: Gmaj7, G6, C, D7, G, D, Em, Cm, Dsus4, Dadd9, B7, Am, Am7, F, D#, E7, Gsus4
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Strumming pattern: d-d-d-d
by Jose Mari Chan
Gmaj7 G6 Gmaj7 G6
C D7
We're at the afterglow
G D Em D
Of what we both do know
C Cm
Know as the spring
D Dsus Dadd9 D
of our youth.
C D7
We've loved and shared the dawn
G D Em D
And hoped that we'd go on
C Cm D
'Cause even the dawn had to go.
D7 G B7 Em
Love has to cry, but need not die.
Heart has to sigh
Am7 F D Dsus Dadd9 D
the test of time.
D# G
We go through days into years
Calloused by doubts,
joys and fears.
D7 G B7 Em
Love has to grow, but need not go
Heart has to know
Am7 F D Dsus Dadd9 D
the test of time.
C D7
We're at the afterglow,
G D Em D
And though we both do know
C D7
How far we are from that dawn.
C Cm
That second golden dawn
G F E7
when love is true,
Still I'll wait,
Dsus D G
I'll wait for second dawn and you.
D# G Gsus G
Love's golden dawn and you.
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