4 Chords used in the song: D, G, A, E
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Transpose chords:
When life seems full of clouds and rainG
And I'm full of nothin' but painA
Who soothes my thumpin', bumpin' brain?D
When Wintertime comes with its snow and sleetG
And me with hunger and cold feetA
Who says "Here's two bits, go and eat"?D
Well,I ain't never done nothin' toD
I ain't never got nothin' fromD
nobody, no timeA
And until I get something fromD
somebody, sometimeD
I don't intend to do nothin' forE
nobody, no time
When Summertime comes all warm and clear
And my friends see me drawin' near
Who says "come on in and have a beer"?
Well one time when things was lookin' bright
I started to whittlin' on a stick one night
Who said "Hey! That's dynamite!"?
Mmmm, I ain't never done nothin' to nobody
I ain't never got nothin' from nobody, no time
And until I get something from somebody, sometime
I don't intend to do nothin' for nobody, no time
I ain't never done nothin' to nobody
I ain't never got nothin' from nobody, no time
And until I get something from somebody, sometime
I don't intend to do nothin' for nobody, no time
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