6 Chords used in the song: G, D7, G7, C, E7, A7
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Twice The Loving
Recorded by Jean Shepard
Written by Floyd Huffman
Now you thought you had me hooked
For a while I thought so too
Now that I know just how things look here's what I'm gonna do
G7 C
I'm gonna buy me a one way ticket they only cost a dime
G E7
I'll go where I can get twice the loving
A7 D7 G
Baby in half the time
No need for me to sit around and worry over you
I'm gonna tear your playhouse down
G A7 D7
That's what I'm gonna do
G G7 C
You know that you killed my love and baby that's a crime
G E7
I'll go where I can get twice the loving
A7 D7 G
Baby in half the time
Now you thought the cards were set to run against me wrong
Now that you see you can't forget you'll sing a different song
G7 C
You never did agree with me in reason or in rhyme
G E7
I'll go where I can get twice the loving
A7 D7 G
Baby in half the time
You didn't think I was so smart you said I was no good
You even tried to break my heart
G A7 D7
You done everything you could
G G7 C
But some day you'll have to learn a stitch in time saves nine
G E7
I'll go where I can get twice the loving
A7 D7 G
Baby in half the time
C G E7
I'm gonna get me twice the loving
A7 D7 G
Baby in half the time
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