3 Chords used in the song: C, F, G7
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I'm Alright
Recorded by Jean Shepard
Written by Bill Anderson
I'm alright (I'm alright) I'm alright (I'm alright)
I'm a little bit red in the eyes
C G7
A little bit hurt in the heart
C F G7
A little bit weary in the soul but I'm alright
(I'm alright) I'm alright
You mean I'm worth the dime it took to call me on the phone
G7 F C
Since when are you concerned about the way things are here at home
We're doing just fine without you thank you me and the dog and the cat
G7 F C
I don't care what you're doing and I could care less where you're at
Repeat #1
The rent's paid through December and there's groceries on the shelf
G7 F C
You're not here to take care of me so I'm a taking care of myself
No I haven't got a job but I've got a friend who does
G7 F C
I know that don't sound much like me but I'm not the gal that I was
Repeat #1
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