4 Chords used in the song: C, F, G7, D7
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I Learned It All From You
Recorded by Jean Shepard
Written by Tommy Collins
If I'm sometimes unkind and treat you cruel dear
G7 C
If I break your heart and make you blue
If I know just what to do to make you cry dear
C G7 C
It's because I learned it all from you
I once was so loving and so good to you
D7 G7
Then you taught me sorrow and unkindness too
I admit I've changed but there's a reason
C G7 C
It's because I learned it all from you
If you hear I've done you wrong don't be surprised now
G7 C
Most anything you hear now could be true
I tried so hard so long now I've stopped caring
C G7 C
All because I learned it all from you
I learned how to bring you pain and hurt your pride
D7 G7
I know how to make you think you'll die inside
If I know just what to do to make you cry dear
C G7 C
It's because I learned it all from you
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