5 Chords used in the song: A, Amaj7, A7, Dmaj7, Dm
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Transpose chords:
A Amaj7 A7 Dmaj7 Dm A Dm A
[Verse 1]
You see right through me
Like I'm not even there
A7 Dmaj7
I'm just a whisper, not enough for you to hear
Dm A
I wanna hold you but I'm not material
I'm ethereal
A Amaj7
This is crazy you're only mortal
A7 Dmaj7
When I'm around you I get all paranormal
Dm A
No matter what I do
Dm A
I'm just a ghost to you
[Verse 2]
A Amaj7
You make me feel like I just can't function
A7 Dmaj7
Running in circles, repeating introductions
My heart is pounding
A Dm
Pounding to the beat of the drums
Can you hear the drums?
A Amaj7
This is crazy you're only mortal
A7 Dmaj7
When I'm around you I get all paranormal
Dm A
No matter what I do
Dm A
I'm just a ghost to you
A Amaj7
Ghost to you
A7 Dmaj7
There's nothing I can do
When I'm around you
When I'm around you
Dm A
I'm just a ghost to you
A Amaj7 A7 Dmaj7 Dm A Dm A
A A7
This is crazy you're only mortal
Dmaj7 Dm
When I'm around you I get all
I get all
A A7
This is crazy you're only mortal
Dmaj7 Dm
When I'm around you I get all
I get all
A A7
This is crazy you're only mortal
Dmaj7 Dm
When I'm around you I get all paranormal
A A7
This is crazy you're only mortal
Dmaj7 Dm A
When I'm around you I get all paranormal
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About this song: Paranormal
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