3 Chords used in the song: C, F, G
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Transpose chords:
Well I drink a lot of whiskey and I'm smoking all the timeG
And I'm getting f**ked up every god damn nightC
Everybody's doing cocaine and starting up fightsG
And I'm living fast and hard
And dying young with my fists upright
Living fast and lonely and doing what I do
And I'm spitting in your face because I'm dominating you
Living hard and doing time cause I don't give a f**k
And I've been beat down and thrown around
And now my friend you're out of luck
Cause I punch fight fuck (punch fight fuck)
Just to get me along (just to get me stoned)G
I've done my share of raising hell since the day I was born
Yeah I punch fight fuck (punch fight fuck)
Just to get me along (just to get me stoned)
And I've done my share of raising hell ever since '71
I'm always getting loaded on the evil side of town
That's where I'm hanging out cause I'm always feelin down
Living fast and lonely and using what I use
And I'm looking for a whore and I'm gonna f**k her black and blue
Well I'm always f**king drinking, drinking myself blind
Drinking my own blood because I'm above the human kind
Don't give a f**k and I'm always f**king mad
And don't you ever think about putting me in your god damn rehab
My blood is like a poison always raping you
It's gonna make you see a side that you never f**king knew
Doing what I'm doing and I'm always f**king hard
And now I'm doing dope smoking smoke
Sometimes I've gotta steal me a car
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About this song: Punch Fight Fuck
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