Empirer Ants Uke tab by Gorillaz

3 Chords used in the song: G6, A6, D

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Tablature / Chords (Simplified Song)

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Album:  unknown
Key: unknownChords
G6 G6                           A6 A6
Oh, joys arise, the sun has come again to hold you
G6 G6 D D
Sailing out the doldrums of the week
G6 G6 A6 A6
The polyphonic prayer is here, it's all around you
G6 G6 D D
It's all around you out here
G6 G6 A6 A6
And if the whole world is crashing down on you
G6 G6 A6 A6
Fall through space, out of mind completely
G6 G6 A6 A6
Where the emptiness we leave behind on warm air rising
G6 G6 A6 A6
Those are the shadows far away
G6 G6 A6 A6
The falling of the whole empire, it's here to hold you
G6 G6 A6 A6
Rolling out and haunted till it sinks

Uke tab by , 10 Feb 2015

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