13 Chords used in the song: B, G, C, Em, Gm, Am, F, G#, D, Bb, A, D#, C7
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Transpose chords:
Intro: B B G C
Em Gm G Gm G G C
Lucifer We are here for your praise evil one
B Am G F
Our Conjuration Sings Infernal Psalms
B Am G G# B
And Smear The Smudge In Bleeding Palms
D Bb D Bb D A Bb
Siamo Con Clavi, Siamo Con Dio. Siamo Con Il Nostro Dio Scuro
A D# F B
Demigod, Our task Behind mask Chosen son..
Gm G# F
Oh, You Rebel Chief, Destroyer Of The Earth
A C7 C Bb
Rise From Precipice Through Birth
Sathanas we are one out of three trinity
Solo - G C G C G C G C G B C G B
D Bb D Bb D A Bb
Siamo Con Clavi, Siamo Con Dio. Siamo Con Il Nostro Dio Scuro x4
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About this song: Con Clavi Con Dio
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