4 Chords used in the song: G, D7, C, A7
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That's The Way I Feel
Recorded by George Jones
written by Roger Miller and George JonesG
If you ever feel unwanted kicked around so much you're taunted
Hearts cry out with so much pain well that's the way I feel
Love someone and love her dearly hope these words she didn't hear me
Left me here heartsick and lonely that's the way I feel
A cry would do no good
I used to think it would
But the more I thought
The more I believe is what I'll doG
Let your feeling have it's day maybe it will go away
Maybe I will find another that's the way I feel
Can't let heartbreak over come me just because that's the way she done me
I'll forget she ever loved her that's the way I feel
If you ever get the notion that you're drowning in an ocean
Of the tears that you are crying that's the way I feel
Crying just because your lonely crying cause your one and only
Cause she loves somebody better that's the way I feel
Repeat #2 & 3
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