3 Chords used in the song: G, C, D7
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Mama Take Me Home
Recorded by George Jones
Written by Carmol Taylor
A drunk man crossed the street today he staggered all around
D7 G
I heard his scream and saw the car that knocked him to the ground
A silver haired old lady rushed to him and raised his head
D7 G
He must have thought she was his mama cause these words he said
Mama (mama) my wife has gone and left me
D7 G
Mama (mama) she left with my best friend
Oh mama (mama) I was coming home to tell you
G D7 G
So mama take me home and help me live and love again
I saw him lying there his drunken body racked with pain
D7 G
I wanted so to help him but I was to ashamed
He rolled his head from side to side and struggled for life
D7 G
You don't know how I felt 'cause I'm the friend who took his wife
Oh Mama (mama) they took my babies from me
D7 G
Mama (mama) she loves another man
Oh mama (mama) it's getting hard to breath now
G D7 G
So mama take me home and help me live and love again
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