3 Chords used in the song: D7, G, C
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I'm Wearing My Heart Away For You
Recorded by George Jones
Written by Darrell Edwards and George Jones
[3/4 time]
D7 G
I'm wearing my heart away for you
C D7
I wonder where you are tonight my love
These memories of you just starting up
C D7
My arms are cold while you hold someone new
And I'm wearing my heart away for you
I'm wearing my heart away for you
It cries aloud my love is true
C D7
And though my darling if you only knew
I'm wearing my heart away for you
C D7
My heart is near the point of no return
Right says go back but memories still burn
C D7
The dreams you left for me will have to do
While I'm wearing my heart away for you
Repeat #2
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