4 Chords used in the song: G, D7, C, Em
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Bringing It Home
Recorded by George Jones
Written by Dallas Frazier
Well I'm tired of traveling down this rocky old road
This old heart of mine is a hurting from a heavy load
C G Em
Only Jesus knows the way my heart went wr-ong
G D7 G
But the Lord He knows I'm about to bring it on home
Whoa I'm bringing it yes I'm bringing it
Hum yes I'm bringing it hear me talking I said I'm bringing it
G D7 G
This old heart's been away too long and I'm bringing it home
When the angels come and carry me away
And I have to face the Lord on that judgment day
C G Em
I've got to have the power to stand before His thr-one
G D7 G
That means a change in my heart and I'm a bringing it home
repeat #2
Someday somewhere you'll hear the trumpet sound
There'll be lightning and thunder and earthquakes in the ground
C G Em
Well don't ya let the devil tell you that your hope is g-one
G D7 G
There'll be a whole lotta hearts that will never go home
repeat #2
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