8 Chords used in the song: D, Bm, F#m, G, A7, Em, Dbm, A
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Transpose chords:
D Bm F#m x2
D Bm F#m
Dreamer in your chair
D Bm F#m
plain but curiously stare
D Bm F#m
To the vast unknown
D Bm F#m D
But to you, you see the cosmos as home
D Bm F#m D Bm F#m
G A7
Falling down a flight of stairs
G A7
Diagnosis life's not fair
D Bm
Mr hawking
F#m D Bm
Spent a lifetime unlocking
F#m D Bm
Every door you've been knocking on
F#m Bm
What a chore, what a bore
To know everything
Bm G D
Aren't you lonely mr Hawking?
D Bm F#m
D Bm F#m
When you're dated Jane
D Bm F#m
Did you hope the war would end you both the same?
D Bm F#m
But the bomb never dropped
D Bm F#m
And your illness followed through its steady plot
D Bm F#m
G A7
Waking up with nothing left
G A7
Praying for the final breath
D Bm
Mr hawking
F#m D Bm
Spent a lifetime unlocking
F#m D Bm
Every door you've been knocking on
F#m Bm
What a chore, what a bore
To know everything
Bm G D
Aren't you lonely mr Hawking?
D Bm F#m
Bm Em D
Employ your mind to fight the paralytic hell
Bm Em D
With all your might think up the cure to make you well
Bm Dbm
And if you can’t, and if you can’t
You're just a man who can’t heal thyself
D Bm
Mr hawking
F#m D Bm
Spent a lifetime unlocking
F#m D Bm
Every door you've been knocking on
F#m Bm
What a chore, what a bore
To know everything
Bm G D
Aren't you lonely mr Hawking?
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About this song: Mr Hawking
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