6 Chords used in the song: Bbm, Fm, Ebm, C#, Ab, F#
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Transpose chords:
Bbm Fm Ebm Fm
Slowly I'm facing all the things I
Left behind
Bbm Fm Ebm
All, all I ever tried was just to
Fm Bbm
Find a way to ease my mind
C# Ab
Cold hearted as a stone
Ebm Bbm
Pulling tricks to play along
F# Ab
I'm going back to be myself as
I have known
C# Ab
Cold hearted as a stone
Ebm Bbm
Pulling tricks to play along
F# Ab
I'm going back to be myself as
I have known
Bbm Fm Ebm Fm
Slowly I'm facing all the things I
Left behind
Bbm Fm Ebm Fm
Slowly I'm letting go of fears I've
Tried to hide
C# Ab
Cold hearted as a stone
Ebm Bbm
Pulling tricks to play along
F# Ab
I'm going back to be myself as
I have known
Bbm Bbm Bbm Bbm x2
C# Ab
Cold hearted as a stone
Ebm Bbm
Pulling tricks to play along
F# Ab
I'm going back to be myself as
I have known
Bbm Bbm Bbm Bbm x2
Bbm Bbm Bbm Bbm x2
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About this song: As A Stone
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