5 Chords used in the song: C, A#, F, Gm, D#
View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
C A#
Take my love, take my land,
F C Gm
Take me where I cannot stand.
D# A#
I don't care, I'm still free,
F C Gm
You can't take the sky from me.
Verse 2:
C A#
Take me out to the black,
F C Gm
Tell 'em I ain't coming back.
D# A#
Burn the land and boil the sea,
F C Gm
You can't take the sky from me.
A# F D#
C A#
There's no place I can be
F C Gm
Since I've found Serenity.
D# A#
You can't take the sky from me.
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About this song: Ballad Of Serenity
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