Victory In Jesus Uke tab by Eugene M. Bartlett, Sr. (Baritone Chords)

8 Chords used in the song: G, Am, C, Em, D, A, A7, G7

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Tablature / Chords (Full Song)

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Album:  unknown
Key: unknownChords
G G                   Am Am  G G
I heard an old, old sto-ry,
G G Am Am C C G G
How a Sav-ior came from glo-ry,
G G Em Em D D G G D D Em Em
How He gave His life on Cal-va-ry
G G A A A7 A7 D D
To save a wretch like me:
G G Am Am G G
I heard about his groan-ing,
G G Am Am C C G G
Of His precious blood's aton-ing,
G G Em Em D D G G D D Em Em
Then I repent-ed of my sins
G7 G7 Am Am G G D D G G
And won the vic-to-ry.

O victory in Jesus,
G7 G7 Am Am C C G G
My Sav-ior, forev-er,
G G Em Em D D G G
He sought me and bought me
G G A A A7 A7 D D
With His redeem-ing blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him,
G7 G7 Am Am C C G G
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory
G G Em Em Am Am G G D D G G
Be-neath the cleans-ing flood.

Verse 2:
G G Am Am G G
I heard about His heal-ing
G G Am Am C C G G
Of His cleans-ing power reveal-ing
G G Em Em D D G G D D Em Em
How He made the lame to walk a-gain
G G A A A7 A7 D D
And made the blind to see
G G Am Am G G
And then I cried, "Dear Je-sus,
G G Am Am C C G G
Come and heal my broken spir-it,"
G G Em Em D D G G D D Em Em
And somehow Je-sus came and brought
G7 G7 Am Am G G D D G G
To me the vic-to-ry.

Verse 3:
G G Am Am G G
I heard about a man-sion
G G Am Am C C G G
He has built for me in glo-ry,
G G Em Em D D G G D D Em Em
And I heard about the streets of gold
G G A A A7 A7 D D
Be-yond the crys-tal sea;
G G Am Am G G
About the angels sing-ing,
G G Am Am C C G G
And the old redemption sto-ry,
G G Em Em D D G G D D Em Em
And some sweet day I'll sing up there
G7 G7 Am Am G G D D G G
The song of vic-to-ry.

Uke tab by , 24 Mar 2016

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