5 Chords used in the song: C#, A#m, F#, G#, Fm
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Intro: C# A#m F# G# x2
C# A#m
Come here I want to tell you
F# G#
Something good, something nice
Before we wreck again
Can't bear to see your sweet face
F# G#
Drop like a tear, cause I need you here
C# A#m
You know you're my only friend
F# G# C# A#m
Our love is beautiful
Our love is beautiful
G# C# A#m F# G#
C# A#m
Can you see any old magic in the world they're building
F# G#
Gas stations and cars, and fading stars
Who else here thinks that's strange
You and I with a few friends
F# G#
will turn it around, our paradise found
C# A#m
I know though it's got to change
F# G# C# A#m
Our love is beautiful
Our love is beautiful
G# A#m
Fm F#
We live our lives like we were dying
F# C# A#m F# G#
Now we won't ever let it go
C# A#m F# G# C# A#m
F# G# C# A#m
Our love is beautiful
Our love is beautiful
C# A#m
In every no-one town
Don't take yourself down
G# x4
Don't take yourself down
Just cause you know they would
C# A#m
F# G# C# A#m
Our love is beautiful
Our love is beautiful
G# C#
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About this song: Our Love Is Beautiful
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