5 Chords used in the song: F, Bb, C, C7, Bb6
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Transpose chords:
F Bb F C
I can hear my Sav-ior call-ing,
C7 F C7 F
I can hear my Sav-ior call-ing,
F Bb F Cmin7 Bb
I can hear my Sav-ior call-ing,
Bb Bb6 F C7 F
“Take thy cross and follow, fol-low Me.”
F Bb F C
Where He leads me I will fol-low,
C7 F C7 F
Where He leads me I will fol-low,
F Bb F Cmin7 Bb
Where He leads me I will fol-low;
Bb Bb6 F C7 F
I'll go with Him, with Him, all the way.
Verse 2:
F Bb F C
I'll go with Him through the gar-den,
C7 F C7 F
I'll go with Him through the gar-den,
F Bb F Cmin7 Bb
I'll go with Him through the gar-den,
Bb Bb6 F C7 F
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.
Verse 3:
F Bb F C
I'll go with Him through the judg-ment,
C7 F C7 F
I'll go with Him through the judg-ment,
F Bb F Cmin7 Bb
I'll go with Him through the judg-ment,
Bb Bb6 F C7 F
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.
Verse 4:
F Bb F C
He will give me grace and glo-ry,
C7 F C7 F
He will give me grace and glo-ry,
F Bb F Cmin7 Bb
He will give me grace and glo-ry,
Bb Bb6 F C7 F
And go with me, with me all the way.
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About this song: Where He Leads Me
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