5 Chords used in the song: A, C#m, F#m, B, E
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Transpose chords:
A C#m
three sleepless nights, this isn't how its supposed to be
but you're so good at taking your time
C#m F#m
to get back to me
C#m B
i will wait for you forever
if you would just ask me
C#m B
i thought that i could change you
A F#m E
but you changed me
A C#m
it doesnt feel right, holding someone elses hand
A C#m
together on phone lines, & living at two opposite ends
C#m B
it scares me to think that you could find takers
A F#m
other than me, and better than me
but your head is elsewhere
and im talking enough for both of us
A F#m
when will you see, its not so easy for me
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About this song: The Ponytail Parades
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