5 Chords used in the song: A, A7, D, E7, E
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Transpose chords:
Well, that's alright, mama
That's alright for you
A A7
That's alright mama, just anyway you do
A7 D
Well, that's alright, that's alright.
D E7 A
That's alright now mama, anyway you do
Mama she done told me,
Papa done told me too
'Son, that gal your foolin' with,
A A7
She ain't no good for you'
A7 D
But, that's alright, that's alright.
D E7 A
That's alright now mama, anyway you do
| A | A | A | A |
| D | D | E | E |
| A | A |
I'm leaving town, baby
I'm leaving town for sure
Well, then you won't be bothered with
A A7
Me hanging 'round your door
A7 D
Well, that's alright, that's alright.
D E7 A
That's alright now mama, anyway you do
A da-da dee dee dee-dee
Dee, dee dee-dee
Dee, dee, dee-dee, I need your
Loving, That's alright,
E7 A
That's alright now mama, anyway you do
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About this song: Thats Alright Mama
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