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Just looking in your heart all my life
I'm searchin' for you, my sweet baby
I'm not hurtin' good good feelin'
I know who I'll have in my mind
Just looking in your heart all my life
I'm searchin' for you, my sweet baby
You set my soul all near inoffensive
I love the way you make me feel so good
Lay your body down. Let me sing you lullaby
Let's spend the night together
Cuz you make my heart so free
Oh darlin' everytime I look at you
I get to no wonders
I don't care what you say, my baby
Love is stronger than pride
Cuz I'm so in love with you, honey
Let's start smiling at the errors of our past
We are more than just lovers
Just looking in your heart all my life
I'm searchin' for you, my sweet baby
I'm not hurtin' good good feelin'
I know who I'll have in my mind
Just looking in your heart all my life
I'm searchin' for you, my sweet baby
You set my soul all near inoffensive
I love the way you make me feel so good
Lay your body down. Let me sing you lullaby
Grant me those feelin', oh darlin'
your every thought is the best part of it
Even if you're leaving me, I'll make you see my life
Don't throw the best of our times away
Cuz you make my heart so free
We are more than just lovers
Just looking in your heart all my life
I'm searchin' for you, my sweet baby
I'm not hurtin' good good feelin'
I know who I'll have in my mind
Just looking in your heart all my life
I'm searchin' for you, my sweet baby
You set my soul all near inoffensive
I love the way you make me feel so good
I'm looking at you, I'm lookin' at you
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About this song: A Love Song
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