6 Chords used in the song: F, Dm, Gm7, Bb, C, Gm
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Nice to meet you where you been,
I can show you incredible verbs
Hyphen, brackets, colons, commas
Saw that spelling and I thoughtGm7
Oh my god, what a mistake
You're giving me a head-acheBb
Spellings a game, wanna plaaaaaaay?F
New writing, apostrophe, quotes
I can read you like a dictionary
Ain't it funny, asterisks fly
And I know you heard about rhymeGm7
So hey, let's write a book
I'm dying to see how you write that quoteC
Write that full stop, with your pencilBb
Cause baby I'm a bracket dressed like a parenthesesF
Punctuation is forever, and you're gonna go up in grades
You can tell me when it's over mmm
If the grades were worth the pain
Got a long list of revision notes
They'll tell you I can spell
Cause you know I love the grammar, and you love the pen
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About this song: Blank Space Parody - Bad Spelling
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