8 Chords used in the song: C2, C, Am7, F, G, C#m, Am, F2
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Transpose chords:
Intro: C2
Verse 1:
C Am7
I saw her last night
Same old place, brand new guy
C Am7
Never thought she'd leave my side
F G C2
What in the world have I not done right
C#m Am
Do you love another
C#m Am C#m
Have you found a better lover, oh
C Am7
It's times like these that tear me apart
She's messin' with my head, breakin' my heart
C Am F G
Times like these I can't figure out do I let her go or go chase her down
C Am7
Times like these that make me believe
F2 G
Maybe there's somethin' that we're missing
C Am7 F G C2
And it's times like these, times like these, baby
Transition: C2
Verse 2:
C Am7
I watch her laugh and smile with me
But there's somethin' she doesn't know I see
C Am7
Cos I know her secret plans
F G C2
I've seen her other man
C#m Am
Do you love another
C#m Am
Have you found a better lover
C Am7 F G
Are you playing hard-to-get or are you leaving me for real
Am C#m Am C#m Am C#m
Are you really mine or am I wasting you time, oh
Breakdown: C Am7 F G C Am7 F2 G C Am7 F G C2
C Am7 F G C2
Just go then, just go then, baby
Outro: C2 C
# Lyrics and music written by Drew Walker
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About this song: Times Like These
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