4 Chords used in the song: Em, Am, D, G
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Transpose chords:
Strumming pattern: du-xu-du-xu
Em Am D G
Em Am D G
this can't be right, no i made a mistake
Em Am D G
get the notes that i typed by the edge of the lake
Em Am D G
seen that scar like a star from the back of the bar
Em Am D
saying stay baby stay where you are
Em Am D G
now check for the sketch, it's in black, it's a mess
Em Am D G
but it's clear who's the one by the mark on the chest
Em Am D G
never knew i could do what i hated in you
Em Am D
saying run baby run this is new
Em Am D G
but the moon's not burning through my skin tonight
Em Am D G
so maybe that's never been true
Em Am D G
and the view's not different when you think you're right
Em Am D G
and the lake is nothin but blue
Em Am D G (x2)
Em Am D G
I learned in the field when to fight, when to yield
Em Am D G
see if silver don't kill her it makes quite a shield
Em Am D G
broken ice got a price, cut me up more than twice
Em Am D
crying no baby no just be nice
Em Am D G
i'm up every night, i'm holding up the light
Em Am D G
to the blood on the bark, gotta paint it just right
Em Am D G
making sure i see that it's her never me
Em Am D
laughing you babe it's you, seems to be
Em Am D G
but the moon's not burning through my skin tonight
Em Am D G
so maybe that's never been true
Em Am D G
and the view's not different when you think you're right
Em Am D G
and the lake is nothin but blue
Em Am D G
so maybe I knew and I tried
Em Am D G
to fight off the change and I died
Em Am D G
I'm screaming out loud, "my my,
Em Am D G
I know that this face, it ain't mine
Em Am D G
no i know that this face, it ain't mine"
Em Am D G
but the moon's not burning through my skin tonight
Em Am D G
so maybe that's never been true
Em Am D G
and the view's not different when you think you're right
Em Am D G
and the lake is nothin but blue
Em Am D G (x4)
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