43 Chords used in the song: F, Bbsus/C, Eb/F, F/A, Bb, Bb/D, Bm7b5, C7sus4, A7, Dm, Gm7, Bb/C, Bb/F, C, C/E, C/G, G#dim7, G7, G7sus4, Bbm6, G7/B, C7, D7, G, G/F, F/G, G/B, D/F#, C#dim, Dsus4, D7sus4, B, B7, Em, Am, A7/C#, C/D, Am7, Eb/Bb, Csus2/E, Fdim7, D7/F#, D
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Transpose chords:
F Bbsus/C F Bbsus/C
F Eb/F F
Bless my soul, Herc was on a roll
Eb/F F/A Bb Bb/D
Person of the week in ev'ry Greek opinion poll
F Eb/F F
What a pro, Herc could stop a show
Eb/F F/A Bb Bm7b5
Point him at a creature and we're talkin' S.R.O.
C7sus F
He was a no one, a zero, zero
C7sus F
Now he's a hot shot, he's a hero
C7sus A7 Dm
Here was a kid with his act down pat
Gm7 F/A Bb Bm7b5 Bb/C F
From zero to hero, in no time flat
Gm7 F/A Bb Bm7b5 Bb/C F
Zero to her, just like that
Bb Bb/D Bb/F C C/E C/G F Gm7 G#dim7
When he smiled the girls went wild with ooooohs and ahhhhhs
F/A Bb Bb/D Bb/F C C/E C F Gm7 G#dim7
And they slapped his face on every vase, on every vase
A7 Dm A7 Dm
From appearence fees and royalties, our Herc had cash to burn.
G7 G7sus/A Bbm6 G7/B C7/sus D7
Now nou-veau riche and famous and he could tell you what's Grecian Urn
Say amen, here he goes again
F/G G/B C C/E D/F#
Sweet and undefeated and an awesome 10 for 10
Folks lined up just to watch him flex
F/G G/B C C#dim
and this perfect package packed a pair of perfect pecs
Dsus G
Herc-ie, he comes, he sees, he conquers
D7sus G
Honey, the crowds go bonkers,
D7sus B B7 Em
He showed the moxie, brains and spunk
Am G C A7/C# C/D G
From zero to hero, a major hunk
Am7 C A7/# D7sus G
Zero to hero, and who'd a thunk?
Interlude: C/G G C/G G C/G G C/G G
Who put the Glad in Gladiator? Hercules!
Who's daring deeds are great theater? Hercules!
Bb Eb/Bb Bb Eb/Bb D7 Csus2/E Fdim7 D7/F#
Is he bold? No one's braver! Is he sweet? our favorite flavor!
G G7/B C D7sus
Hercules! (6x)
Bless my soul, Herc was on a roll Undefeated,
Riding high, and the nicest guy, not conceited
D7sus F
He was a nothing, a zero, zero
D7sus F
Now hes a honcho, he's a hero
D7sus B7 Em
He hit the heights at break neck speed
A7 G/B C C#dim C C/D A7 G/B C C#dim C C/D
From zero to hero, Herc is a hero
A7 G/B C C#dim C D7sus D G7
Now he's a hero. Yes Indeed!
Tab comments (1)
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this is so ridiculously hard. I wish there were a scaled-down version with only the main chords, not every tiny little chord to match a full orchestra lol
18 Apr 2022
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About this song: Zero To Hero (from "hercules")
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