8 Chords used in the song: G, G7, C, C7, A7, D7, D, Am
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View these chords for the Baritone
Transpose chords:
G G7
Look for the bare unities
C C7
The simple bare unities
G A7 D7
Forget about your worries and your strife
G G7
we mean the bare unities
C C7
The ones that are in this videoclip
G A7 D7 G
Which brings the bare unities of this class
D7 G
Whoever I talk to, wherever I go
D7 G G7
I use relative clauses like I am a pro
C D G Am
So I could use who, which, where, whom, whose and when
Am D7
And if you forget any of this, you can use that and that is it
G A7
Can you try a few?
Am D7 G D7 G
The simple unities in this book will come to you, they’ll come to you
D7 G D7
If you want to say something that somebody else said
you should be careful with tell and say!
C D G Am
If it is something that he told you, use your past tenses too
But if you want to use “say” Be careful then
Add “to me” And that is it!
G A7
Is not hard, you see?
Am D7 G
The simple unities in this book will come to you,
D7 G
they’ll come to you
G G7
There’s a lot thing to say
C C7
A few a couple things to say
G A7 D7
Quantifiers are important too
G G7
If you don’t know how to use them,
C C7
“A lot” “a load” is a good thing then and
G A7 Am D7 G
Remember this words for past modals
G A7 Am D7 G
And you should, could, would be fine
G A7 Am D7 G
And that are our unities of this class
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