5 Chords used in the song: Em, A, D, G, Gm
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Transpose chords:
Intro:) Em A D Em A D Em
Em A
I said, upside down you're turning me,
D Em
you're giving love instinctively.
A D Em
around and round you're turning me.
Em A D Em
Upside down, boy, you turn me,
A D Em
inside out and round and round.
A D Em
inside out and round and round.
G A D Gm
Instinctively you give to me the love that I need,
I cherish the moments with you.
Respectfully I see to thee, I'm aware that you're cheating,
but no one makes me feel like you do.
G A D Gm
I know you got charm and appeal, you always play the field,
I'm crazy to think you are mine.
As long as the sun continues to shine,
there's a place in my heart for you, that's the bottomline.
G A D Gm
Instinctively you give to me the love that I need,
I cherish the moments with you.
Respectfully I see to thee, I'm aware that you're cheating,
but no one makes me feel like you do.
(Chorus x2)
Em A D Em
Upside down you're turning me, you're giving love instinctively.
around and round you're turning me,
D Em
I say to thee respectfully
D Em
I say to thee respectfully
D Em
I say to thee respectfully
D Em
I say to thee respectfully
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