4 Chords used in the song: C, G, Am, F
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Transpose chords:
C G Am
there is a demon, an evil mind inside us
C G Am
Oh I know, I knowww.
We all know the rules and water will be shed.
The wicked witch is...
C G Am
This is the end of all the miracles.
C G Am
Farewell to you yellow brick road.
F G Am
Everything she is asking for, it all belongs to her.
F G Am
Now she's gone into nothingness, there she waits.
Still I can hear her singing in the room, in the room,
G Am
I know she's gone.
I thought she'll never fail, her magic will be gone,
the day she'll melt away.
G Am
This is the end of all the miracles. (Still I hear her singing in the dark.)
C G Am
Farewell to you yellow brick road. (Truth has changed, her voice it stays the same.)
F G Am
As time goes on her voice will fade away.
F G Am
They're all, they're everything, they are mine.
F G Am
Silver shoes you're mine, you are mine, you are mine.
F G Am
This is the end of all the miracles. (Hate will live on.)
F G Am
Farewell to you yellow brick road. (Hate will live on.)
F G Am
The wicked witch is dead.
F, G, Am ( x4 )
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About this song: Wicked Wtich
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