5 Chords used in the song: Am, F, C, G, Em
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Transpose chords:
(Original tom is B)
Am F C Am F C
Am F C
I saw you gather all your hopes
Am F C G
With all your dreams
Am F C
I waved just like a shooting star
Am F C Em Am
That once had waved to me
F C Am
I am a love in mid air
I think about it I don't care
Into the fire of despair
Just like a train that goes nowhere
But you can rain on me
Yea you can rain, rain on me
There was a time I got it wrong
Is shakes my memory
And all the time I had it all
It's just I couldn't see
I am a robber in the dark
Singing about a broken heart
Answering whistles in the air
Waiting for someone else to care
But you can rain on me
Yea you can rain on me
When the rain came tumbling down
And both your feet were on the ground, oh
Running fast and free, oh yea
Well maybe time's going to wear you out
Or maybe you're going to come around, or
We'll just yea
Well maybe time's going to wear you out
Or maybe you're going to come around, or
We'll just wait and see, oh yea
But you can rain on me
Yea you can rain on me
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