Top Artists in Moldova (Ukulele)
Top Songs by Artists from this country
- Dragostea Din Tei (the Numa Numa Song) Ozone
- Ploile Nu Vin Alternosfera
- Poem The Motans
- Acele Carla's Dreams
- Sub Pielea Mea #eroina Carla's Dreams
- Dragostea Din Tei (numa Numa) Ozone
- Dragostea Din Tei Ozone
- Run Away (epic Sax Guy) Sunstroke Project
- Antiexemplu Carla's Dreams
- Versus The Motans
5 artists for this country, moldova

Artist name |
Alternosfera |
Carla's Dreams |
Ozone |
Sunstroke Project |
The Motans |